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CDP Choline boosts immune function against viruses by inhibiting PLA2. Several studies show that some very serious viral infections require the PLA2-activated cascade to do the most cell damage.

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While I understand how frustrating this time of sacrifice can be, it’s too soon to let our guard down when following infection control precautions.

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One Element is the root cause of your energy imbalance. In Five Element acupuncture, we call the root cause Element your Causative Factor. This imbalance occurs before the age of 7, and can cause the other Elements to go out of balance, one by one.

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We apologize in advance if any of these new safety procedures are inconvenient or seem unnecessary to you. However, we believe we all need to do our part to keep not only ourselves safe, but also help keep others safe – especially the most at-risk people in our community.

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There is no medical preventive treatment as of yet for COVID-19. Research suggests that boosting your immune system may give you an edge in staying healthy. Here are 7 science-based steps you can take now.

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In light of the evolving COVID-19 crisis, I would like to personally share the steps we are taking to protect our patients and employees.

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Optimistic Woman

March is celebrated as the month when optimism rises within you. It is like the seed that germinates and has a powerful potential for growth. There is also a powerful possibility for growth and change within you.

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In this workshop, Dr. Nelson presented the documented benefits of mind-body energy practices designed to promote wellness.

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For many, the shorter days and reduced sun exposure of winter bring colder weather and a colder mood. These “winter blues” cause you to feel less joyful and more sadness.

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In this workshop, Ken Nelson will present the documented benefits of mind-body energy practices designed to promote wellness.

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