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Whatever your personal health issues, massage therapy can benefit you in so many ways! Our massage therapists recommend that you come in for a massage at least once a month, and for a variety of different reasons!  Massage can help promote pain and anxiety relief, stress reduction, and better sleep. Manual manipulation of muscle tissue […]

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Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating progressive disease that can start small and subtle but will grow to affect the nerves so that maintaining motor control function and/or movement becomes stiff, difficult, and eventually, painful. Parkinson’s Disease also affects other parts of the body, such as balance and muscle/joint control, gastrointestinal issues and loss of senses […]

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Aging is a blessing, and here at Acupuncture and Holistic Health, we celebrate aging with good health and vitality by helping you achieve your health goals! The temptation may be to slow down and become less active due to signs of aging: less energy, more fatigue, and joint and muscle stress. But what happens when […]

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Burnout and stress are some of the most prevalent issues affecting working age individuals today. Whether you’re a student or a worker, the long days, unforgiving hours, and lack of ability to rest as long as you’d like or need contribute to a sense of overwhelming negative effects. However, while burnout and stress can and […]

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Healing from grief can be an incredibly difficult and unpredictable process. It comes and goes in waves, and just when you think you’re fine and you’re in a good place, something reminds you of your grief-filled experience and it all comes rushing to the surface. We associate grief with the mental turmoil of feeling heartache […]

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Problems with your thyroid can lead to serious problems within your entire bodily systems and their functions. Thyroid disorders can affect heart rate, mood, energy levels, metabolism, pregnancy, and much more. Your thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that regulate so many systems of your body, including your other glands in your endocrine system. Hypothyroidism, […]

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Quiet Contemplative is an herbal remedy that we offer in this clinic. It is known in Chinese medicine as liu wei di huang wan, and it supports the Kidney functions of the body. This function is concerned primarily with gently calming your spirit while propelling you forward cognitively and physically. Being quiet, content, and present […]

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Dr. Michael here! Late summer is considered a fifth season in Five Element acupuncture, typically during the months of August and September here in Florida, when the weather is still hot and humid, the crops are ripening in the fields, and the harvest is approaching. Late summer is associated with the Earth element, which helps […]

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For new mothers struggling to produce milk postpartum, it can be a frustrating thing to go through. Milk production is a bonding agent for skin contact with the child, which is crucial for its development and parental bond. It’s also an emotional tether to the mother; being able to hold and nurture your child is […]

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Mental health can be defined as a person’s psychological and emotional well-being. Our bodies are not the only element of ourselves that takes heavy loads, burdensome weight, and gets tired or strained. Our minds are delicate, and our emotional state can get equally as damaged or blunted as our bodies do from constant pressure. Pressure […]

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