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The Acupuncture & Holistic Health Center in Jacksonville, FL specializes in treating all types of headaches (migraine, tension, sinus, cluster and rebound).

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Cognitive Resilience is intelligently designed to promote optimal cognitive performance by supporting healthy memory, focus, concentration and attention.

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“I highly recommend Dr. Kowalski to anyone having limited to no results with traditional medicine and want relief or to know it’s not ‘all in your head.’”
— Richard G.

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Prostate Formula is a balanced Chinese herbal formula that relieves prostate Dampness, promotes normal urination and maintains sexual function.

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I use Worsley 5 Element acupuncture to treat my patients. What is happening at the exact moment of treatment is the Truth – that person’s Truth.

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Combining Worsley 5 Element acupuncture with trigger point acupuncture yields a comprehensive benefit for patients with fibromyalgia.

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The vital Qi energy in our Circulation/Sex meridian maintains correct blood flow and blood pressure. It also maintains a healthy sexual energy level.

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Research suggests chronic low back pain can be effectively treated by acupuncture, whether it is used as alternative or complementary therapy.

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We are very pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Tracy Kozak, A.P. to our staff at the Acupuncture & Holistic Health Center.

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Women’s Precious is designed to nourish and regulate the Blood, strengthen the Qi, adjust the menses, support fertility, and nurture and firm the uterus.

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