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Your Thyroid May Be Messing With You

Conventional medical physicians typically rely solely on blood tests to eliminate thyroid dysfunction issues. However, many people with normal thyroid blood levels actually have a thyroid imbalance, from a Functional Medicine perspective. For these patients who go undiagnosed, it can be hard to find proper treatment.

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Come join us NEXT WEDNESDAY, April 14th, for a free Zoom meditation seminar to heal the heart, mind, body and soul. Click here to learn more and register.

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An Isolated Woman During The Pandemic

Among the many challenges the COVID-19 pandemic presented to us as Americans, one of the most troublesome is the negative impact of the isolation we have experienced for so long. It is important to consider the tolls that pandemic fear and isolation have taken on our health, from a holistic perspective.

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Come join us THIS WEDNESDAY, March 10th, for a free Zoom meditation seminar to heal the heart, mind, body and soul. Click here to learn more and register.

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Balancing you as a whole approach with acupuncture can reduce pain, improve sleep, and harmonize your emotions. Combining Five Element acupuncture with trigger point acupuncture yields a comprehensive benefit.

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Several patients have asked me this question lately. Some of them have already made up their mind about whether to get the vaccine when they become eligible to get it. Many others have yet to decide. If you have questions, please read on.

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During this COVID-19 pandemic and winter flu season, it’s a major advantage to keep your immune system as strong as possible. If you are exposed to the virus, you will want all the immune protection you can get.

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Whether you know it or not, we are all affected by seasonal changes. Your energy patterns ebb and flow with the seasons, much like the tidal changes of the oceans.

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When it comes to overindulging, it’s a downhill slide between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. How can you feel calm, not gain 5 pounds, and still have fun? Here are 5 Tips.

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I treat my fertility patients with a whole person/whole family approach, relying heavily on acupuncture. I integrate special acupuncture fertility points with my Five Element acupuncture treatments, to balance the underlying root cause of each individual’s fertility issues.

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