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Treating the Root Cause

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Dr Michael here!

As we start the new year and we create new resolutions, we may be willing to entertain the idea of a new approach of how we take care of ourselves. Acupuncture is the world’s oldest system of medicine. This form of treatment is documented as far back to 400 BC and was practiced in China even earlier. From ancient times, the idea of treating the root cause is the foundation of Five Element acupuncture. Embodying the idea of seeking the cause of disease, correcting the cause of the problem, and helping you get well and stay well is the approach we take at the Acupuncture & Holistic Health Center.

Treating you as a “whole” approach considers the body, mind and spirit. We address the cause of disease, not just the symptoms. Your main complaint will be addressed but by itself will not be the exclusive focus. A health issue is really the distress signal or the symptom that your body is giving to say there is some underlying problem. If the cause is not treated, a similar symptom picture can return, or even worse, the symptoms may worsen. By treating the root cause, symptoms can be resolved for all time.

Our acupuncture physicians will focus on understanding the underlying reason for your complaint. The cause of the problem can be physical, mental or emotional. Correcting the cause of your problem is our ultimate goal in order to provide you with a balanced, healthier and happy lifestyle.

Call us today at 904-926-9545 to find out how acupuncture can be the right path for you!

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