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Turn Your Pain to Power With Acupuncture

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Acupuncture has been used as an aid for pain relief and performance enhancement in athletics for decades. Athletes typically maintain peak performance when their bodies are well-rested, well-fed, and taken care of. You don’t have to be a professional NBA player or world class boxing champion to want to keep your body pain free. 

Acupuncture can help remove inflammation and pain immediately to provide quick relief. By relaxing the muscles around the target area, we’re able to improve blood circulation and increase muscle activation. If injury prevention is what you’re looking for, we’ve got that too! Acupuncture can improve flexibility, which helps with muscle activation, keeping your body in top condition to keep exercising and performing. That flexibility can help reduce soreness, making it so you need less rest days. 

If anxiety is what’s keeping you awake at night, acupuncture works for that too! Get rid of your anxiety and stress around competition season and work proactively to ensure that your body and mind are working for you, not against you. Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a passionate hobbyist, take care of your body with acupuncture.

If this sounds like an avenue for you, give us a call at (904) 296-9545 to schedule your consultation today! We look forward to hearing from you.

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