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Ways That Acupuncture Can Help Breastfeeding

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For new mothers struggling to produce milk postpartum, it can be a frustrating thing to go through. Milk production is a bonding agent for skin contact with the child, which is crucial for its development and parental bond. It’s also an emotional tether to the mother; being able to hold and nurture your child is an important and positive connection to your child. So when that process gets interrupted, or has some underlying issue, it can become difficult for both mother and child. 

Acupuncture offers a holistic alternative to help in milk production. Low milk production, in Chinese medicine, is attributed to a stagnation of energy, or qi, flowing through the body. When these blocks are taken care of and the energy can flow once again, milk production increases. This flow of qi energy stimulates the body’s hormonal increase of prolactin and oxytocin, which are instrumentally important in milk production and also puts a stop to a condition known as milk stasis caused by postpartum hypogalactia. Postpartum hypogalactia is a condition that women can sometimes develop regardless of manner of birth (natural, c-section) that blocks the milk development sites from creating much needed milk. 

Acupuncture treatment is very individualistic, and at the Acupuncture & Holistic Health Center we treat the underlying root cause of this vital issue, not as a symptom. We know that your baby is different from other babies out there, and you as the mother are different as well. Causes for milk stasis and low prolactin development can be varied, and we take that into account when we discuss your treatment plan. We may also recommend a dietary addition or change to your health plan to further aid the production of milk, as well as holistic, 100% safe-for-baby-and-mom supplements that are a good basis for healthy milk supply. 

If this is something you’re interested in as an expecting mother or during your postpartum journey with your new addition, give us a call at (904) 296-9545 and schedule your consultation today! 

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