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Step Into Relief! Acupuncture and Plantar Fasciitis

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Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the connective tissue around the ligament on the underside of your foot which connects your heel to the front of your foot becomes inflamed. This can cause intense muscle spasms and pain in the bottom of the foot, making even simple things like walking and standing incredibly painful and difficult to manage. The pain can be especially intense when you first step out of bed in the morning. Using your feet is one of the basic movements of the human body. Struggling to use them due to inflammation and pain can be a difficult sensation to have to experience. 

If you’re experiencing sharp, stabbing sensations in the bottom of your foot and know or believe it to be plantar fasciitis, the good news is that acupuncture can help! Acupuncture can help reduce the inflammation that causes the pain by stimulating the nerve endings and promoting blood flow to the area. We can also assess and treat any other muscle tension in the legs that are either contributing to or are the direct cause of the inflammation. By looking for those bands of muscle around the calf and foot area, we can help bring down the inflammation at the bottom of your foot. 

Acupuncture can also help relieve pain by releasing hormones that are your body’s natural painkillers. It can help bring your body’s natural pain threshold up and also bring the level of pain you’re feeling in the hotspots down by releasing those painkilling hormones into the areas of inflammation while promoting that blood flow. 

If you’re dealing with the pain associated with plantar fasciitis and would like to know more about how acupuncture could help or want to set up an appointment, please give us a call at (904) 296-9545. 

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