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Solving Back Problems with Acupuncture

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Our spinal column is one of the most important parts of our bodies. Composed of vertebrae, joints, disks, nerves, and muscle tissue, each of these smaller parts play a hugely important role in the greater work your spinal system does. It helps retain muscle function, brain function, and movement. Nerves connect your brain to your muscles, disks help absorb the shock from your vertebrae and joints moving your body, and muscles connect to tendons which move your body. If even one of these key parts is not functioning at its best, it can cause a trickle effect that eventually leads to pain and prolonged suffering. 

Back conditions such as muscle strains/sprains, arthritis, herniated disks, nerve impingement, and osteoporosis are conditions that can occur to us, rather than being born with them as a congenital problem. Spinal conditions such as scoliosis, spina bifida, and kyphosis are conditions that we can be born with. Either born or developed, spinal problems are painful, limiting, and often chronic without proper care and attention. Medications have many side effects, and procedures and surgeries can be risky. While these treatments can be beneficial, they can leave one with continued chronic pain, or limited mobility long-term. 

Spinal problems are not always bone-related. Muscle spasms, pinched nerves, injuries due to accident or improper exercise, and poor posture can also contribute to back pain that can compound and grow overtime. Left untreated for long periods of time can cause complications and, in some cases can cause other related problems such as neck pain or stiffness, muscle atrophy, permanent and semipermanent limitation of range of motion, and headaches/migraines. 

If you’ve started experiencing symptoms such as back pain, muscle tightness, limited range of motion that can sometimes be painful, any weakness, numbness, or pain in your extremities such as arms or legs, and/or debilitating headaches accompanied with tight neck muscles and a heavy-feeling skull, you may be experiencing back problems. Don’t hesitate to call and schedule an appointment with Acupuncture and Holistic Health Center today! Our licensed, expert team of acupuncture physicians and massage therapists will work with you to develop an individualized health plan that is tailored to what your issues are and the severity of your symptoms. We work on treating you at the deepest possible layer to remove the root cause of what’s ailing you to get your spine and the surrounding muscles back to a solid, healthy normal. We may also recommend herbs and supplements to strengthen your journey and a lifestyle change to maintain the progress. 

If you’re ready to start moving again without back pain causing you huge levels of stress and suffering, give us a call at (904) 296-9545 and schedule a comprehensive evaluation today!

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