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Jade Windscreen, Ancient Chinese Medicine, and You

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You may have heard it being named throughout the office if you’re a regular. You may have even had it recommended by one of our providers. But we’d put money down and bet that most people haven’t heard of Yu Ping Feng San, or as it’s translated in the west- Jade Windscreen. That’s where we’re here to help! 

Jade Windscreen is roughly around 800 years old, and has been used as an immunity booster for all those centuries. It is a herbal supplement that can strengthen the body’s system from any kind of invasive bacteria or outside pathogen. When used preventatively, it can be a boon during allergy and/or cold and flu season. 

Our body responds to invasive pathogens by way of inflammatory responses. It’s why we suffer things like fevers, sinus pressure, or mild to severe headaches when we’re sick or have allergic reactions. Our bodies’ natural response is to try to combat the foreign pathogens out of our system. But for some people, that natural defense is not strong enough due to chronic conditions, allergies, or some illness that has caused damage to the immune system itself. By the addition of preventative supplements, herbs, and vitamins, we lend a helping hand to our bodies by providing our blood cells with the necessary strength and defense it needs to fight off the pathogens. 

Patients with allergic rhinitis, hay fever, mild to severe seasonal allergies, and any type of flu symptoms will benefit most commonly from the defensive and preventative measures Jade Windscreen has on your body systems. The formula behind Jade Windscreen treats not just the allergy or flu symptoms, but the root causes behind the symptoms, working to strengthen your immune system. With Covid-19 here to stay, Jade Windscreen is a smart way to keep up your immunity and minimize symptoms if you get exposed to a virus. Individuals who suffer from asthma or chronic bronchitis can take Jade Windscreen to boost your lungs’ qi and make breathing easier with the prevention of flare-ups and build up in the bronchioles. 

Whether you’ve got a chronic respiratory issue, horrific food and/or seasonal allergies, or some other issue causing health concerns with your immune system, give us a call and find out if Jade Windscreen could be beneficial for you! We can sit with you during a functional nutrition and herbal medicine appointment and discuss your issues and make a plan that is tailored for your needs. Our licensed practitioners will be able to determine whether Jade Windscreen is the correct herb to add to your regimen, and if any other holistic supplements would also be to your benefit. 

If you’re interested, give us a call at (904) 296-9545 and schedule your Functional and Herbal Medicine appointment today!

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