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Acupuncture and Treatment Time Line

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A common question that’s asked by potential new patients is how long does treatment last before I start seeing and feeling results? While feeling results for specific issues may not always occur (although it’s possible), acupuncture begins working the minute the practitioner begins using needles to direct energy flow as well as blood flow for proper circulation. 

Depending on severity and longevity of chronic pain symptoms, healing may happen at differing rates, but signs of long-term changes in pain and relief of symptoms typically start happening at the six week mark, with the twelve weeks margin being the maintenance and preventative care mark for further treatment. However, short term pain relief effects and positive mood changes begin happening immediately, with around a three day window of continuing positive changes. This is because here at Acupuncture and Holistic Health, we not only treat the chronic symptoms, but we also focus on the root cause behind those symptoms. We will sit with you to determine what issues you may have, what care you may need, and work at treating the pain at its point of origin so the chronic issue can go away and stay away!

If this sounds up your alley and like something you want to explore, call us at (904) 505-1796 to schedule your consultation today!

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