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Water, Your Spirit, And You

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Water, Your Spirit And You

Dr. Michael here!

Winter is the season corresponding with the Water Element. At this time of the year, it is interesting to reflect upon what qualities Water gives to you.

Winter is the time of year when certain animals hibernate. When it’s cold outside you may stay indoors more. These natural behaviors give us clues about the inward direction of the Water Element, meant to direct our focus within ourselves.

In nature, a still body of water has a calming effect. Sitting beside a clear pond can bring you into a meditative or reflective state. Water fills deep lakes and seas. Water flows from the ocean’s surface to the deepest depths. Beyond your mind and emotions, your spirit dwells deep within you.

The power of Water to reach your deepest self gives direct access to your spirit, bringing a sense of peace. Getting to these depths makes us better able to connect deeply with the people in our lives. In this way, a healthy Water Element greatly enriches our relationships.

In Chinese medicine, the Water Element contains the Kidneys and Bladder meridians. The first point on the Bladder meridian is known as “Eyes Bright”. The eyes are said to be the windows of the Soul, and the brightness that shines forth from one’s eyes indicates the state of a person’s shen (the Chinese word for spirit). Treating Bladder 1, 

“Eyes Bright”, can increase the shen and brighten a person’s spirit.

The emotion associated with the Water Element is fear. It is natural to have appropriate fear. However, when Water is out of balance, you can experience an excess of fear or anxiety. Fear can cause you to avoid or shy away from doing what your heart desires, and limit or even block your full expression of who you truly are.

Energy blocks in our Water Element can cause an excess of fear within us. Removing these blocks with Five Element acupuncture can clear your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. I find that most of the time, physical issues arise from a deeper inner imbalance. The good news is that, by balancing the deeper energies with Five Element acupuncture, the physical issues can clear. This holistic approach works much better in the long run than the “band-aid” approach of just treating physical symptoms.

If Water energy is not flowing through your meridians, your energy can become depleted. The Water Element is vital to your life and well-being. Five Element acupuncture treatments can restore a deficient Water Element back to strength.

Balancing your Water Element brings clarity and quality to this vital Element and your life. When Water is abundant and flowing, you feel reassured, calm and energized. Water gives you willpower and endurance.

There is no better season to balance your Water Element than during the Winter season. If you haven’t done so yet this winter, schedule your Water tune-up treatment by calling the Acupuncture & Holistic Health Center at (904) 296-9545. For additional information, please visit our website: www.treatrootcause.com

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